Sunday, November 21, 2010


"Well, I stood up on that one. This strange, many-figured, calcareous white stone was under my feet. That stone, too, was a world away of its own, or more than a single world, world within world, in a dreaming series" (Bellow, 197).
A few weeks ago we talked about living in a world within a world and in this section of the book Bellow shows us the world Henderson lives within. He came from a life where he lived the everyday hustle and bustle a person expects living in NYC. He constantly heard "I want, I want" but once he has lived amongst the Wairiri people for a short period the voices does not come as often.
On page 233 King Dahfu says, "Now, Mr. Henderson, I am convinced you are a man of wide and spacious imagination, and that also you need.... You particularly need." Henderson responds that his voice comes as, "I want, I want" and we are able to understand the changes he has experienced. He no longer feels the stress he used to and his world has changed because he now sees his through new eyes. Thus creating a new world within his world; this is something that comes with a change in living situations. The world a person sees has everything to do with not only a person's financial status but where they live geographically. The beauty a person sees in the world varies, for me personally I loved the ocean my entire life growing up and since I started surfing I never thought I would leave it...then I came to Montana. The mountains have changed my "world within world" perspective, I now see life as well as death in the mountains in a way I could have never thought possible; but is one similar to what I used to see in the ocean. The way the ocean changes in tides can cause significant amounts of death to animals and crustaceans that are dependent on the amount of water left in the tide-pools. Just as a sudden winter drops feet of snow can change the patterns of Snow and Canadian Geese which Bozeman has seen a recent jump in because of the cold weather and snow conditions. There are now several thousand in a field by my house showing us how dependent they are on the "world within world" they experience daily in a world that we learned in class we experience fall/winter because Persephone at food while living (dying?) in the underworld.

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